Art Classes

Art Classes

I teach art to everyone. Anyone, of any age and ability can draw, paint and create and feel different when they create something.

Anyone who feels can be an artist.

And, if someone wants to, they can draw.

“Art Social provides a protected time for me to be creative.”

My teaching is greatly influenced by ideas from Betty Edwards’ 1979 classic ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’, which gives practical artistic techniques to access the creative hemisphere of the brain.

“An artist isn’t about being good, it’s about wanting to. So I guess I’m an artist.”

In an art session, I lead people on a journey to rediscover ways of seeing and expressing the world, exploring different materials, ideas and techniques.

“It’s made me more confident in other areas of my life as drawing gives me a way to express myself.”

In this way, I ask my students to rediscover what it is to see the world, and how to express it as they see it anew.